Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Back to school


The boys are back in school now. Andrew is in 5th grade, Joshua is in 2nd grade, and Micheal is in Kindergarten. That leaves just William to keep me company at home. I can't believe I'm saying it, but I really miss them! (Andrew has the addition of a safety vest because he's been ask to help with bus safety patrol. This is a priveledge that was recommended by his teacher last year. Now he has to keep up on attendance, grades, and homework to continue.)
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Jennifer said...

What a handsome crew!

Andrew, that Is so neat that you get to help patrol on the bus. Wow 5th grade, so grown up.

Joshua, you are going to love 2nd grade. Have fun!

Michael, the big Kindergartener. Enjoy school, your going to do great!

I love you boy's and miss you tons.

Jennifer W

Chelsea Rivas said...

So handsome, so grown up...Char, where does the time go?