Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Joshua didn't get past the eye exam without a simple addition. So this is how he'll apprear for a while now.
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1 comment:

Char said...

As a side note, Joshua had his glasses all of 3 days before he was out riding his scooter and decided they were impeding his activity. Rather than taking 30 seconds to bring them in the house, he put them down on the ground by the curb. An hour later, when I called the kids in for dinner (and I asked Josh where his glasses were) he started looking for them--franticly I might add! We spent nearly 1/2hr looking under every leaf and along the sidewalk/curbing of 4 or 5 houses. NO GLASSES! (very frustrating for me, the parent!) We said a prayer, looked some more without luck, then came inside with the conclusion that we'd be buying glasses again on Monday. But Heavenly Father DID hear my plea, and when Ben went out looking for them, would you know; he found them on the back of our mailbox, 3 houses away from where he 'put them down on the ground'.