Monday, June 13, 2011

Bigger and Better...


How's this for one of the critters the kids found in the back yard. Imagine the size of the spider when you figure that the leaves are 2-3 inches long. It's called a trap door spider and it's built like a tank. There is NO way I could step on it, even as {SHUDDERS} much as I cringe at the sight of it. It would be like stepping on an acorn. Eeew! So we did the next best thing. Catch and release. Caught it in a jar and released it in an empty lot down the block.
I know you're jealous! I know you want to have critters like this in your back yard. Well, the only thing I can think to suggest is that you move to Tennessee and become our neighbors. I'd be happy to share....
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Wednesday, June 8, 2011



17 months
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