Friday, September 9, 2011

...the rest of the story...The Swing.

After Josh's genius idea, which drew every one to the back yard, and ended in some tears (after Andrew sat in the swing and broke the "oh-so-strong" branch it was hanging from) (oh, the tears were from Josh, not Drew) Ben went to work.
And this is what he concocted...

He used the same tree but a different, much larger, branch to hang this.

1 comment:

Kipp & Becky said...

It's from watching his dad that he was able to do this. But I know that sometimes they just use their own little brains to figure something out, and make something, and it just amazes me. I think that it's because I haven't known or believed that they had so much smarts that my children haven't developed those talents as they could have, because I didn't believe in them as I could have and given them the confidence to do it. So good for you for encouraging this, and allowing them the freedom to do this.