Friday, March 6, 2009

sunshine and songs

There is sunshine in my soul today.....Here in Chicago, we had the most beautiful, wonderful, sunshiney, spring weather today! I don't know exactly how warm it got (and I'm too lazy to check the weather on line) but it was warm enough to wear shorts and love it! (not me, of course. Too pastey!) I'll bet it was mid 70's though.
Sunshine and warmth do something from the inside, out. From a gospel perspective, I was reminded of this one teaching appointment we had with a neat woman named Charisse. (Lori, remember Charisse? hope I'm spelling her name right) I remember her asking us about the Book of Mormon, How did we know it's true? I can honestly say at that moment I felt the Spirit stronger than any other time in my life so far. There was a warmth that permiated from deep inside my chest all the way out to my finger tips, my toes, and the top of my head. It was followed by 'total body pricklies' (words borrowed from Lori). Many times I've reflected on that experience. I still don't have words to explain exactly, but I can say I KNOW the Book of Mormon is true. And if it's true, everything else that follows is true. I believe that living without the gospel is like living in a Chicago winter with no furnace. And having a knowledge of the restored gospel is like living in paradise(but a paradise with a beach! like, I don't know, maybe St Croix?). But as wonderful as the beach is in solitude, it's not nearly as fun as enjoying it with someone special. The Gospel is made to be shared. "It isn't good to be alone, it isn't good."
Thinking of and missing my sisters again today. Thankful for all the wonderful sisters I have! (including you! blood-sister or not)

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